
Max's Monster Jack Cravelle and Tarpon in Miami

Max's Monster Jack Cravelle and Tarpon in Miami

Max's Monster Summer Jack Cravelle and Tarpon Highlight video !

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Double Impact Miami Sunset Tarpon Fishing and Snook

Double Impact Miami Sunset Tarpon Fishing and Snook

Few Experiences Compare to that of a Tarpon Jumping against the back drop of a sunset on Miami Beach

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Miami Tarpon and Snook Fishing Report

fly and fish fly and fish tv with fraser Miami dock light fishing Miami Tarpon and Snook fishing Miami Tarpon Fishing miami tarpon fishing charters

Miami Tarpon and Snook Fishing Report

We started out looking for the sunset bite on the Snook and it didn’t take long. We located the first bunch of Snook on the Lowrance side scan unit and dropped our offering. Almost immediately we had the first hook up and the Snook came boat side just as the sun was starting to set.

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Tarpon redemption for max Miami Tarpon fishing

fishing charter miami fly fishing charter in miami Miami Tarpon and Snook fishing miami tarpon fishing charters

Tarpon redemption for max Miami Tarpon fishing

Max puts up a great fight and get giant tarpon

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Late Summer Bonita On fly Stacked up Snook!!! with a mix of Tarpon

Miami dock light fishing Miami Snook Fishing Miami Tarpon and Snook fishing Miami Tarpon Fishing Saltwater Fishing snook fishing

Late Summer Bonita On fly Stacked up Snook!!! with a mix of Tarpon

Late Summer Monster Snook Frenzy!

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